PC-SPES reborn?
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. A team of University of California (San Diego) researchers recently
reported that PC-SPES, a much touted herbal remedy for prostate cancer, had been found to be heavily
contaminated and had been taken off the market. Nevertheless, researchers at the UCLA Center for
Human Nutrition in Los Angeles now report that they have found PC-SPES to be highly effective in
preventing the initiation and progression of colon cancer. They evaluated PC-SPES in vitro using three
different colon cancer cell lines. They found that the herbal compound caused a 95 per cent inhibition of
cell proliferation in all three lines. In contrast, estradiol did not stop cell proliferation at all. Thus it is
unlikely that the observed effect of PC-SPES is due to possible contamination with diethylstilbestrol,
another estrogenic compound.
The researchers also evaluated PC-SPES (250 mg/kg/day) in laboratory mice genetically engineered to
develop multiple tumours in the gastrointestinal tract within a few weeks after birth. They found that mice
treated 5 times a week for 10 weeks with PC-SPES developed 58 per cent less tumours than did control
mice. They conclude that the components of PC-SPES, either independently or in combination, act to
produce a drastic reduction in tumour initiation and progression in the gastrointestinal tract.
Huerta, Sergio, et al. PC-SPES inhibits colon cancer growth in vitro and in vivo. Cancer Research, Vol.
62, September 15, 2002, pp. 5204-09
Tomato sauce and prostate cancer
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS. Several studies have observed that tomatoes and tomato products, especially
tomato sauce, have a protective effect against prostate cancer. Researchers at the University of Illinois
now report that tomato sauce is also effective in slowing down and perhaps even reversing existing
prostate cancer. Their study involved 32 patients with prostate cancer who were scheduled to undergo a
radical prostatectomy. The participants underwent a baseline examination to determine their lycopene
levels, their PSA (prostate specific antigen) level, and the level of oxidative damage to their DNA (in
leukocytes). They were then fed a pasta dish with tomato sauce (3/4 of a cup of commercial spaghetti
sauce) once a day for three weeks. The additional daily lycopene intake from the sauce was 30 mg.
At the end of the three-week period lycopene levels in the blood plasma had doubled and lycopene levels
in prostate tissue had tripled. The average PSA level had declined from 10.9 ng/mL to 8.7 ng/mL - a
drop of 17.5 per cent. The DNA damage indicator in leukocytes dropped by 21.4 per cent after the
intervention. The DNA damage level in actual prostate tissue (removed during surgery) was found to be
28.3 per cent lower in the tomato sauce group than in a reference group of seven prostate cancer
patients who had not consumed the tomato sauce diet. The researchers conclude that their study
"suggests a role for tomato sauce and possibly for lycopene in the prevention and treatment of prostate
Chen, Longwen, et al. Oxidative DNA damage in prostate cancer patients consuming tomato sauce-
based entrees as a whole-food intervention. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 93,
December 19, 2001, pp. 1872-79
Selenium prevents prostate cancer
STANFORD, CALIFORNIA. Several large studies have shown that men with low blood (plasma) levels of
selenium have a significantly increased risk of prostate cancer. Now medical researchers at Stanford
University and the Johns Hopkins University School of Medicine weigh in with another report that clearly
shows the protective effect of selenium. Their study involved 52 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and
96 age-matched controls with no detectable prostate disease. The men had an average age of 69 years
and were all enrolled in the Baltimore Longitudinal Study of Aging. Plasma levels of selenium measured
in blood samples taken four to five years prior to the diagnosis of prostate cancer were compared for
cancer patients and controls. The researchers found that men with selenium levels below 10.7
micrograms/dL had a four to five times higher incidence of prostate cancer than did men with levels above
10.7 micrograms/dL. They also noted a significant decline in selenium levels with age.
The researchers believe that much of the beneficial effect of selenium is due to its vital role in maintaining
adequate levels of the body's main antioxidant, glutathione peroxidase. They conclude that selenium
supplementation may reduce the risk of prostate cancer and that supplementation may be particularly
important for older men. NOTE: The recommended daily intake of selenium is 55 micrograms with an
upper safe limit of 400 micrograms/day. However, most supplementation studies have used 200
Brooks, James D., et al. Plasma selenium level before diagnosis and the risk of prostate cancer
development. Journal of Urology, Vol. 166, December 2001, pp. 2034-38
Prostate cancer and lycopene
DETROIT, MICHIGAN. Epidemiological studies have shown that a high intake of tomatoes markedly
reduces the risk of prostate cancer. It is believed that this beneficial effect is due to lycopene, the most
common carotenoid in tomatoes. A team of researchers from Wayne State University, McGill University,
University of Maryland, and the University of Hawaii has just concluded a clinical trial aimed at evaluating
the benefits of lycopene supplementation in prostate cancer patients. The study included 26 men with
clinically localized prostate cancer who were scheduled to undergo radical prostatectomy (removal of the
prostate gland). The men were randomized into a control group and an intervention group. The
intervention group received one 15-mg lycopene capsule with breakfast and dinner for three weeks prior
to surgery. Blood samples were taken before the start of supplementation and three weeks later just
before surgery. The removed tumors and surrounding tissue were examined by pathologists.
The researchers conclude that lycopene supplementation lowers PSA levels; they observed an average
18 per cent decrease in the lycopene group as compared to a 14 per cent increase in the control group.
The level of the tumor suppressing protein Cx43 in the malignant part of the tumor was found to be
substantially higher in the lycopene group. It was also apparent that tumors tended to be smaller and
more sharply defined (less encroachment into surrounding healthy tissue) in the lycopene group. No
adverse effects of the lycopene supplementation were reported by the patients or their physicians. The
researchers conclude that lycopene is likely to be beneficial for both prevention and treatment of prostate
cancer, but urge larger trials to confirm this.
Kucuk, Omer, et al. Phase II randomized clinical trial
of lycopene supplementation before radical prostatectomy. Cancer Epidemiology, Biomarkers &
Prevention, Vol. 10, August 2001, pp. 861-68 [72 references]
Sun exposure prevents prostate cancer
STAFFORDSHIRE, UNITED KINGDOM. British researchers have confirmed that exposure to sunlight
helps prevent prostate cancer. Their study involved 210 men diagnosed with prostate cancer and 155
men with an enlarged prostate, but no prostate cancer (controls). The men were interviewed in order to
estimate their lifetime sun exposure. Men with the lowest exposure were found to have a three times
greater incidence of prostate cancer than did men with a high lifetime exposure. Sunburns in childhood
were found to be particularly protective with men having had one or more childhood sunburns being six
times less likely to develop prostate cancer than men who had not experienced childhood sunburns.
A history of regular foreign holidays, presumably in sunnier climes, also had a protective effect with men
having had such holidays having a 60 per cent lower risk of prostate cancer. Regular sun bathing was
also found to be protective. The risk of prostate cancer was not associated with skin type, hair colour or
eye colour, and the associations with sun exposure were not affected by including occupation, vasectomy
or dietary factors in the analysis.
The researchers are not sure why sun exposure is protective, but speculate that vitamin D and
parathyroid hormone may somehow be involved.
Editor's Note: Excessive sun exposure has
been linked to an increased risk of certain non-melanoma skin cancers. These cancers, however, are
rarely fatal whereas prostate cancer often is. So on balance, cultivating a healthy suntan is still a good
Luscombe, Christopher J., et al. Exposure to ultraviolet radiation: association with susceptibility and age
at presentation with prostate cancer. The Lancet, Vol. 358, August 25, 2001, pp. 641-42 (research
Fish consumption helps prevent prostate cancer
STOCKHOLM, SWEDEN. Several studies have shown an inverse relationship between blood levels of
fish oils (eicosapentaenoic acid [EPA] and docosahexaenoic acid [DHA]) and the risk of prostate cancer.
A study just completed by medical researchers at the Karolinska Institute confirms this association.
he Swedish study involved 3136 pairs of male twins born between 1886 and 1925. The participants
completed food frequency questionnaires in 1961 and 1967 and were then followed up for 30 years. By
December 31, 1997 the researchers had recorded 466 diagnoses of prostate cancer (340 fatal ones).
The average age of diagnosis was 76.7 years. After adjusting for other known risk factors the
researchers conclude that men who never eat fish have a two- to three-fold higher risk of prostate cancer
than do men who eat moderate to high amounts. The researchers emphasize that only fatty fish such as
salmon, herring and mackerel, which contain high amounts of omega-3 fatty acids (EPA and DHA), would
be expected to be beneficial.
Terry, Paul, et al. Fatty fish consumption and risk of prostate cancer. The Lancet, Vol. 357, June 2,
2001, pp. 1764-66 (research letter)
Lycopene and cancer
TORONTO, CANADA. Lycopene is a carotenoid found in tomatoes, tomato products, and in other fruits.
It is a powerful antioxidant with a singlet-oxygen quenching capacity 10 times greater than that of vitamin
E. It is the most abundant carotenoid in human plasma and is highly concentrated in the adrenal glands,
testes, prostate, and breast tissue. Several studies have found an inverse correlation between serum and
tissue levels of lycopene and the risk of breast and prostate cancers. Other studies have linked a
high intake of tomatoes to a 50 per cent reduction in cancer mortality among elderly Americans. One
study found that men who consumed 10 or more servings of tomato products per week reduced their risk
of prostate cancer by 35 per cent. A more recent study found that supplementation with a tomato extract
significantly lowered the level of prostate-specific antigen (PSA) in patients with prostate cancer. High
tissue (adipose) levels of lycopene have also been found to be protective against heart attacks. No
published studies have shown any adverse effects of high lycopene levels or a high intake of tomato
products. It has been hypothesized that lycopene prevents cancer and heart disease by protecting lipids,
lipoproteins (especially low-density lipoprotein), proteins, and DNA. There is also evidence that lycopene
counteracts the proliferation of cancer cells induced by insulin-like growth factors.
Agarwal, Sanjiv and Rao, AV. Tomato lycopene and its role in human health and chronic diseases.
Canadian Medical Association Journal, Vol. 163, September 19, 2000, pp. 739-44 [70 references]
Eat your broccoli and avoid prostate cancer
SEATTLE, WASHINGTON. There is abundant evidence that a high intake of fruits
and vegetables is protective against many types of cancer. Researchers at the
Fred Hutchinson Cancer Research Center now report that the intake of
vegetables, but not fruits, is significantly associated with prostate cancer
risk. Their study involved 628 men from the Seattle area between the ages of
40 and 64 years who had been diagnosed with prostate cancer between January 1
and December 31, 1996. An age-matched sample of 602 men without prostate
cancer served as the control group. All participants were interviewed and
completed a 99-item food frequency questionnaire which included 12 fruit items
and 21 vegetable items. The participants were asked to estimate their intake
of the foods (ranging from "never or less than once per month" to "2+ per
day") over the 3-5 years preceding the date of diagnosis or date of interview
(for controls).
The intake of fruit did not significantly affect prostate cancer risk.
However, men who consumed 28 or more servings of vegetables per week were
found to have a 35 per cent lower risk than men who consumed fewer than 14
servings per week. When limiting the analysis to cruciferous vegetables only
the protective effect was found to be even more pronounced. Men who ate three
or more servings of cruciferous vegetables (broccoli, cauliflower, brussel
sprouts, cabbage) per week had a 41 per cent lower risk of developing prostate
cancer than did men who ate less than one serving a week. A high intake of
lutein plus zeaxanthin (2000 micrograms/day or more) was associated with a 32
per cent decrease in risk, but this association was not statistically
significant. The researchers found no correlation between the intake of
tomato products or lycopene and prostate cancer risk.
Cohen, Jennifer, et al. Fruit and vegetable intakes and prostate cancer risk.
Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 92, January 5, 2000, pp. 61-
Beta-carotene and cancer
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Numerous epidemiological studies have concluded that high intakes of
fruits and vegetables are associated with lower risks of cancer. It was originally thought that beta-
carotene was the protective component, but six large-scale clinical trials have failed to confirm any
cancer-protective effects. Two of the trials involving heavy smokers showed a significant 18 per cent
increase in lung cancer among the smokers who took beta-carotene. One very large trial involving
22,071 American physicians showed no benefits and no harm from 12 years of supplementation with 50
mg of synthetic beta-carotene every second day.
Researchers at the Harvard Medical School have just released the results of a major study aimed at
evaluating the effects of beta-carotene supplementation among women. The study involved almost
40,000 healthy female health professionals (aged 45 years or older). The women were randomized into
two groups with one group receiving 50 mg of synthetic beta-carotene on alternate days and the other
group receiving a placebo. The 2.1-year supplementation phase of the study was followed by a two-year
observation period. At the end of the four years 747 cases of cancer and 218 cases of cardiovascular
incidents (heart attack, stroke, and death) had occurred among the women. There were no significant
differences in the incidence of cancer, cardiovascular events or death from all causes in the two groups.
This also held true when just the smokers among the women were considered.
The researchers conclude that beta-carotene supplementation is neither harmful nor beneficial to people
at average risk for cancer except in the case of prostate cancer. The Physicians' Health Study found that
men who supplemented with 50 mg of beta-carotene every second day for 12 years had a significantly
lower incidence of prostate cancer.
Lee, I. Min, et al. Beta-carotene supplementation and incidence of cancer and cardiovascular disease:
the Women's Health Study. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 91, December 15, 1999, pp.
Fish oils help prevent prostate cancer
AUCKLAND, NEW ZEALAND. Medical researchers in New Zealand provide convincing
evidence that an increased consumption of fish oils helps reduce the risk of
developing prostate cancer. Their study involved 317 men who had been
diagnosed with prostate cancer during 1996-97 and 480 age-matched controls.
Blood samples were obtained from all participants and the erythrocyte (red
blood cell) phosphatidylcholine fraction of the plasma was analyzed for EPA
(eicosapentaenoic acid) and DHA (docosahexaenoic acid), the two main
components of fish oils.
Evaluation of the collected data showed a clear correlation between blood
level of EPA and DHA and the presence of prostate cancer. Study participants
with levels in the highest quartile were found to have a 40 per cent lower
incidence than participants with levels in the lowest quartile. This
relationship held true even when adjusted for age, height, use of NSAIDs (non-
steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs), socio-economic status, and estimated
intake of lycopene and polyunsaturated fats.
The researchers also found that men with low socio-economic status, a low
intake of lycopene, and non-regular use of NSAIDs were more likely to develop
prostate cancer. They did not, however, find any correlation between self-
reported intake of EPA and DHA indicating that food frequency questionnaires
are not an accurate method for estimating fish oil intake. The researchers
speculate that fish oils may prevent the progression of prostate cancer by
inhibiting the biosynthesis of eicosanoids from arachidonic acid.
Norrish, A.E., et al. Prostate cancer risk and consumption of fish oils: a
dietary biomarker-based case-control study. British Journal of Cancer, Vol.
81, No. 7, December 1999, pp. 1238-42
Diet is vital in cancer prevention
SACRAMENTO, CALIFORNIA. It is estimated that 35% of all cancers are directly
associated with the typical American diet; another 30% is directly related to
smoking. A high fat intake is associated with cancer of the colon, breast,
prostate, rectum, and endometrium. These cancers are also associated with
obesity as are cancers of the kidney, cervix, and thyroid. Alcohol
consumption is implicated in cancers of the breast, rectum, mouth, and
esophagus. The consumption of charred, smoked, salted, and pickled foods is
associated with cancer of the stomach and esophagus. On the other hand, an
increased fiber intake has been found to protect against colon cancer -
presumably because it speeds up elimination of waste through the bowels. An
increased consumption of fruit and vegetables has been found to have a
protective effect against lung, colon, breast, prostate, bladder, mouth,
cervix, and stomach cancer. The Amercian Cancer Society has recommended that
efforts be made to change the typical American diet so that it contains no
more than 30% fat (% of total calories) - in 1985 the average diet contained
36%. It also recommends 5 or more servings of fruit and vegetables per day
(1986 average was 2.5) and 6 or more servings a day of breads, cereals, and
legumes (1986 average was 3). The Society would like to see these dietary
changes implemented by the year 2000 and estimates that 166,000 cancer deaths
and 315,000 new cases of cancer could be avoided every year if they
Bal, Dileep G. and Foerster, Susan B. Dietary strategies for cancer
prevention. Cancer (Supplement), Vol. 72, No. 3, August 1, 1993, pp. 1005-
Byers, Tim. Dietary trends in the United States. Cancer (Supplement), Vol.
72, No. 3, August 1, 1993, pp. 1015-18
Tomato sauce protects against prostate cancer
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. It is estimated that by the year 2000 about 40,000 men
will die of prostate cancer every year in the United States alone. So far, no
effective prevention has been found and treatment is of dubious value and has
serious side effects. Now researchers at the Harvard Medical School report
that consumption of tomato sauce and tomatoes provides significant protection
against the development of prostate cancer. Their study involved over 47,000
male health professionals 812 of which developed prostate cancer in the period
between 1986 and 1992. All participants in the study completed validated
food-frequency questionnaires in 1986, 1988, 1990 and 1992. Analysis of the
collected data clearly showed that men with a high consumption of tomato
sauce, tomatoes, and pizza have a significantly lower risk of developing
prostate cancer. The protective effect of tomato sauce (ripe tomatoes cooked
in oil) was particularly noteworthy; men who consumed tomato sauce two to four
times per week had a 35 per cent lower risk of developing prostate cancer than
did men who never ate tomato sauce. The researchers believe that it is the
high content of lycopene which gives tomato products their protective effect.
They also speculate that oil or fat is necessary for proper absorption of the
lycopene from the tomatoes. Tomato juice on its own has no protective effect
and its lycopene is poorly absorbed. However, if tomato juice is cooked in
oil and then ingested the blood level of lycopene rises very significantly
within 24 hours. The researchers believe that lycopene protects against
prostate cancer because it is a very powerful antioxidant, more than twice as
effective as beta-carotene, and because it is the most abundant carotenoid in
the prostate gland. No protective effect was found for vitamin A, beta-
carotene, alpha-carotene, lutein or beta-cryptoxanthin. The researchers also
found that a high intake of fruit and vegetables other than tomatoes had no
significant protective effect.
Giovannucci, Edward, et al. Intake of carotenoids and retinol in relation to
risk of prostate cancer. Journal of the National Cancer Institute, Vol. 87,
No. 23, December 6, 1995, pp. 1767-76
Physical activity protects against prostate cancer
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Researchers at the Harvard School of Public Health and
the Cooper Institute for Aerobics Research report that physically active men
are much less likely to develop prostate cancer than are less active men.
Their study involved almost 13,000 men aged 20 to 80 years who had a medical
examination at the Cooper Clinic between 1970 and 1989. The men were
questioned as to their participation in sports and other physical activities
and underwent a maximal exercise treadmill test to determine their
cardiorespiratory fitness. The researchers conclude that men with the highest
cardiorespiratory fitness level (>21 minutes) are four times less likely to
develop prostate cancer than are men with a low cardiorespiratory fitness
level (<13.7 minutes). The protective effect was only found in men below 60
years of age. The researchers also found that men who are physically active
(energy expenditure >1000 kcal/week) have about a three times smaller risk of
developing prostate cancer than do men who are less active (energy expenditure
<1000 kcal/week). The researchers believe that high testosterone levels are
involved in the development of prostate cancer and that physical activity and
cardiorespiratory fitness tend to lower these levels.
Oliveria, Susan A., et al. The association between cardiorespiratory fitness
and prostate cancer. Medicine and Science in Sports and Exercise, Vol. 28,
No. 1, January 1996, pp. 97-104
Vitamin A may prevent prostate cancer
HOUSTON, TEXAS. Vitamin A (retinol) and its biologically active metabolite,
retinoic acid, are known to be useful in the prevention and treatment of
certain cancers such as acute promyelocyte leukemia. Now researchers at the
Baylor College of Medicine report that vitamin A may also play a role in the
prevention and treatment of prostate cancer. The researchers analyzed
prostate tissue from patients with stage 3+ prostate cancer, tissue from
patients with benign prostate hyperplasia (enlarged prostate), and normal
tissue. They made several interesting observations:
- All tissues tested contained retinol and retinoic acid in various
concentrations. The retinol concentration in tissue from enlarged prostates
was 2.5 times higher than in normal tissue or tissue from cancer patients.
Tissue from cancer patients contained near normal levels of retinol, but only
barely detectable levels of retinoic acid.
- The prostate contains enzymes which enables it to convert retinol supplied
in the diet to the biologically active retinoic acid.
The researchers speculate that enlarged prostate tissue contains more retinol
than normal and cancerous tissue either because it is less efficient in
converting it to retinoic acid or because enlarged prostate tissue is more
efficient in absorbing retinol from the blood. They also suggest that the low
level of retinoic acid in cancer patients could be due to a more rapid
degradation of retinoic acid in cancer tissue. The researchers conclude that
retinol (vitamin A) and carotenoids may be useful both in the prevention and
treatment of prostate cancer.
Pasquali, Daniela, et al. Abnormal level of retinoic acid in prostate cancer
tissues. Journal of Clinical Endocrinology and Metabolism, Vol. 81, No. 6,
June 1996, pp. 2186-91
Selenium protects against cancer
TUCSON, ARIZONA. Several studies have shown that the incidence and mortality
from many cancers are higher in geographical areas where the selenium content
of forage crops is low. Now an impressive group of researchers from more than
half a dozen universities in the United States report that selenium
supplementation helps prevent cancer. The Nutritional Prevention of Cancer
Study Group found that cancer mortality was cut in half in a group of patients
who supplemented with selenium. The double-blind, randomized, placebo-
controlled cancer prevention trial involved 1312 patients aged 18 to 80 years
(75 per cent males) who had previously been diagnosed with basal or squamous
cell carcinomas of the skin. The purpose of the trial, started in 1983, was
to test the hypothesis that selenium supplementation helps prevent skin
cancer. Half the patients were randomized to receive 200 micrograms/day of
selenium supplied as a 0.5 gram high-selenium brewer's yeast tablet (Nutrition
21, LaJolla, CA); the other half received a placebo. Patients were treated
for a mean of 4.5 years and had a mean total follow-up period of 6.4 years.
At the end of the study the researchers concluded that selenium
supplementation does not prevent skin cancer. They did, however, find strong
evidence that selenium supplementation is very effective in preventing other
types of cancer. The overall mortality rate from cancer in the supplemented
group was found to be only half of that in the placebo group. The reduction
in mortality and incidence was particularly impressive in the case of cancers
of the lung, prostate, colon, and rectum. The incidence and mortality rate
from lung cancer was twice as high in the placebo group as in the selenium
group. Supplement users developed only one third the number of prostate
cancers as did the members of the placebo group and the incidence of colon and
rectal cancer was similarly reduced in the supplement group. Unfortunately,
there was not enough data to statistically evaluate the effect of selenium
supplementation on the incidence of breast and ovarian cancers. The
researchers were so impressed with the results of the trial that they decided
to stop it early so that all patients could benefit from selenium
supplementation. They believe selenium combats cancer by inhibiting the late
stage promotion and progression of tumors. No toxic effects of selenium
supplementation were observed.
Clark, Larry C., et al. Effects of selenium supplementation for cancer
prevention in patients with carcinoma of the skin. Journal of the American
Medical Association, Vol. 276, No. 24, December 25, 1996, pp. 1957-63
Colditz, Graham A. Selenium and cancer prevention - promising results
indicate further trials required. Journal of the American Medical
Association, Vol. 276, No. 24, December 25, 1996, pp. 1984-85
Beans and garden peas may reduce risk for prostate cancer
Leeds, England. Preliminary evidence has shown that eating baked beans and
garden peas may reduce the risk for developing prostate cancer. A recent
study interviewed 328 English-speaking men previously diagnosed with prostate
cancer before the age of 75 years and 328 age-matched population controls.
The purpose of the study was to investigate the association between diet and
prostate cancer. Interviews included questions on basic demographic details,
smoking, family history and food intake during the last five years. Main
dietary concerns were fat intake (saturated, monounsaturated, or
polyunsaturated fatty acids) and the intake of carotenes (beta-carotene and
lycopene). Participants were also asked if they had taken vitamins or other
supplements. The researchers found no statistically significant differences
in the intake of fats or carotenes between the prostate cancer patients and
controls. They do point out however, that total fat intake (in per cent of
total energy intake) of both patients and controls was quite high (34-43 per
cent) and that they can draw no conclusion as to what effect a low fat intake
would have on the risk of developing prostate cancer.
Among foods and other nutrients examined, significant associations were
observed for garlic (food only or food plus supplements), baked beans, vitamin
B6 and garden peas. The association with garlic and vitamin B6 was later found
to be statistically insignificant when adjusted for social class. Another
recent study in England found that men who ate beans and peas more than once a
week had a 37 per cent reduction in risk compared to men who ate these foods
less often. The confirmed risks for prostate cancer include age, a family
history of prostate cancer, social class and ethnic group/country of
residence. A history of prostate cancer in fathers and brothers was
associated with a two- to three-fold increased risk for the disease and manual
workers were found to have a 63 per cent higher risk of prostate cancer than
did non-manual workers. No correlation was found between risk and alcohol
intake or smoking. Contrary to other recent studies, the researchers found no
effect of increased lycopene intake. However, they point out that their
estimate of lycopene intake was very crude and did not account for the wide
differences in bioavailability of lycopene from different sources. The
researchers also noted that the use of vitamin E supplements was considerably
higher among controls, but no significant correlation with cancer rate was
observed. The researchers conclude that there is, as yet, no clear
correlation between diet and prostate cancer risk but that the effect of a
high intake of vitamin B6 (pyridoxine), garlic, peas and beans warrants
further investigation.
Key, T.J.A., et al. A case-control study of diet and prostate cancer.
British Journal of Cancer, Vol. 76, No. 5, September 1997, pp. 678-87
Finasteride does not prevent prostate cancer
LOS ANGELES, CALIFORNIA. Finasteride (Proscar) is often prescribed for benign
prostatic hyperplasia (enlarged prostate gland) and is effective in shrinking
the gland and reducing the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) which is
believed to be involved in the enlargement. It has recently been postulated
that finasteride may prevent prostate cancer and a large trial is currently
being conducted by the US National Cancer Institute to test this hypothesis.
Now researchers at the University of Southern California present a study which
shows that finasteride does not reduce the risk of prostate cancer in high
risk men, but may in fact increase it. The study involved 52 men with PSA
(prostate-specific antigen) levels over 4.0 nanogram/ml and negative biopsies
for prostate cancer. The men were randomized to receive either 5 mg/day of
finasteride (27 patients) or no medication (25 patients) for a 12-month
period. At the end of the trial period prostate biopsies were again
performed. Eight patients (30 per cent) of the men in the finasteride group
were found to have developed prostate cancer (adenocarcinoma) as compared to
one patient (4 per cent) in the control group. The researchers conclude that
their study "raises serious questions about the probable efficacy of
finasteride in preventing prostate cancer."
Cote, R.J., et al. The effect of finasteride on the prostate gland in men
with elevated serum prostate-specific antigen levels. British Journal of
Cancer, Vol. 78, No. 3, August 1998, pp. 413-18
Selenium intake and prostate cancer
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. The connection between a low selenium content in the
soil and regional cancer mortality rates has been known for almost 30 years.
Later research has confirmed an association between low blood levels of
selenium and the prevalence of colon, lung, and stomach cancers. More
recently, a team of American researchers reported that men who supplemented
with 200 micrograms of selenium daily had a three times lower risk of
developing prostate cancer than did men in the placebo group. All the
participants in this study lived in areas of the USA where the soil is
selenium-deficient and the normal dietary intake is estimated to be about 90
micrograms/day. Another recent study investigated the association between
advanced prostate cancer and toenail concentrations of selenium (an indicator
of long term selenium intake). This study found that men with the highest
toenail selenium concentrations had a three times lower risk of advanced
prostate cancer than did men with the lowest concentrations. The researchers
estimate that the daily median selenium intake among men with the lowest
toenail concentrations was about 86 micrograms as compared to about 159
micrograms for men with the highest toenail concentrations. Dr. Edward
Giovannucci, MD of the Harvard Medical School points out that selenium intakes
in the UK have been falling over several decades and now may be as low as 30-
40 micrograms/day. During the same period the incidence and mortality from
prostate cancer have increased substantially in England and Wales. Dr.
Giovannucci suggests that there may be a connection, but this has not as yet
been proven. He concludes that "the evidence (of the benefits of selenium
supplementation) available for prostate cancer seems to justify the further
assessment of increasing the selenium intake in the population as a priority
for public health."
Giovannucci, Edward. Selenium and risk of prostate cancer. The Lancet, Vol.
352, September 5, 1998, pp. 755-56 (commentary)
Lycopene and prostate cancer
BOSTON, MASSACHUSETTS. Several studies have shown that a high dietary intake
of tomatoes and tomato-based products especially tomato sauce is associated
with a lower risk of prostate cancer. It is assumed that the carotenoid
lycopene is the component which is primarily responsible for the protective
effect. Now researchers at the Harvard Medical School confirm the validity of
this assumption. Their study involved over 22,000 male American physicians
aged 40 to 84 years at the start of the study in 1982. The original purpose
of the study was to investigate the effects of beta-carotene supplementation
(50 mg every other day). However, the availability of stored blood samples
made it possible to investigate the effects of other carotenoids as well. By
1995 578 men had developed prostate cancer. These were matched with 1294
cancer-free men according to age and smoking status. Analysis of the blood
levels of carotenoids and vitamin E showed that men with the highest lycopene
levels and no beta-carotene supplementation had a 41 per cent lower risk of
prostate cancer than did men with the lowest levels. No risk reduction
associated with lycopene levels was observed in physicians who received beta-
carotene supplementation. However, beta-carotene in itself also appeared to
be protective with men assigned to supplementation having a 37.3 per cent
lower risk than men with low lycopene levels assigned to placebos. Men with
high vitamin E (alpha-tocopherol) levels were found to have a lower incidence
of aggressive prostate cancer. The researchers conclude that increased
consumption of tomato products might reduce prostate cancer risk.
Gann, Peter H., et al. Lower prostate cancer risk in men with elevated plasma
lycopene levels: results of a prospective analysis. Cancer Research, Vol. 59,
March 15, 1999, pp. 1225-30
DHEA protects against prostate cancer
We do not usually report information based on animal experiments; however,
the finding that DHEA can prevent or even reverse prostate cancer in
laboratory rats seemed important enough to make an exception.
CHICAGO, ILLINOIS Prostate cancer is the second most common cause of cancer
death in Western male populations. It is estimated that about 18 per cent of
American men will develop prostate cancer during their lifetime. Some
researchers believe that many more have the beginnings of prostate cancer, but
die from other causes before the cancer becomes invasive and fatal. Research
has shown that the hormone DHEA (dehydroepiandrosterone) inhibits the growth
of both human and rat prostate cancer cells in vitro (in test tubes).
Now a team of researchers from the National Cancer Institute, the New York
University School of Medicine, and the ITT Research Institute reports that
DHEA confers significant protection against prostate cancer progression when
given to laboratory rats as part of their diet. Their experiment involved
rats which were given carcinogenic chemicals to induce precancerous lesions in
the prostate. One group of rats had 1000 or 2000 mg of DHEA added to each
kilogram of feed starting one week before inducing the cancer. Other groups
had 2000 mg of DHEA added per kilogram of diet one week before induction, 20
weeks after induction or 40 weeks after induction. The rats received the DHEA
until the experiment was concluded 13 months after cancer induction. Control
rats received no DHEA. The researchers found a very significant decrease in
the progression to full prostate cancer among the rats given DHEA in their
diets. This effect was evident whether the DHEA was given one week before or
20 or 40 weeks after cancer induction. They conclude that DHEA or a suitable
derivative may be effective in preventing the development and progression of
prostate cancer in humans, but caution that more work is required to ensure
the DHEA's hormonal effects (conversion to testosterone and estrogenic
activity) are not detrimental.
Rao, K.V.N., et al. Chemoprevention of rat prostate carcinogenesis by early
and delayed administration of dehydroepiandrosterone. Cancer Research, Vol.
59, No. 13, July 1, 1999, pp. 3084-89
Testosterone supplementation and prostate cancer
KIRKLAND, WASHINGTON. Conventional medicine wisdom has it that high levels of
male sex hormones (androgens) are associated with an increased risk of
prostate cancer and a more rapid tumour growth. This has led to the use of
chemical or physical castration in an attempt to reduce natural androgen
production and thereby deprive the tumour of the androgen it supposedly
requires to keep growing. Unfortunately, the effect of castration is often
temporary and subsequent tumours tend to be more virulent than the original
Now Dr. Richmond Prehn, MD of the University of Washington challenges the
assumption that high androgen levels are a risk factor for prostate cancer.
Dr. Prehn points out that androgen levels decline with age whereas prostate
cancer incidence rises sharply. He suggests that declining androgen levels
may not only lead to benign prostate hyperplasia (BPH), but may also be the
initiator of uncontrolled cell growth which may ultimately lead to cancer. He
further suggests that "androgen supplementation beginning early in the middle
years might, among other possible benefits, largely prevent prostate cancer."
Dr. Prehn cautions that androgen supplementation may be contra-indicated in
older men who already have the seeds of prostate cancer. He also suggests
that an alternating regimen of androgen deprivation and androgen
supplementation should be evaluated as a therapy for prostate cancer.
Prehn, Richmond T. On the prevention and therapy of prostate cancer by
androgen administration. Cancer Research, Vol. 59, September 1, 1999, pp.