International Health News

Dear IHN Subscriber,

Several long-term readers have expressed a desire to financially support the continuing publication of International Health News. It has been clear for some time now that our income, particularly revenue from publishing Google ads, has declined very significantly in recent months whereas our expenses have remained the same or increased slightly. Some action is clearly required so I decided to make this appeal for support from our readers rather than try to find a permanent sponsor as doing so would no doubt eventually impinge on our freedom to “telling it as it is” when reporting on clinical trials and other news from the world of medicine and pharmaceuticals.

If you would prefer not to use a credit card or Paypal to make a donation you are welcome to send a cheque to Hans Larsen, 1320 Point Street, Victoria BC, Canada V8S 1A5

With best wishes and thank you for your support!

Hans R. Larsen PEng
Publisher of IHN

Knowledge is Power

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